Monday, November 24, 2008

The Daraja Children's Choir

The worship of children is a precious thing to see. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15). To receive the kingdom like a little child is to receive it in total trust without holding anything back. Last Friday evening a chlidren’s choir from Kenya performed at our church. The choir is called "The Daraja Children’s Choir." Daraja means “bridge.” The children are a bridge from their world to ours. They present to us the needs that are so great in Kenya, but they also present to us a joy that is truly amazing. These children love the Lord Jesus and they are filled with joy and hope. As they led our church in worship, you could see them worship in complete joy. As I fired shot after shot, I zoomed in close to capture their expressions. I quickly realized I was capturing much more than good pictures. I was capturing moments of worship. I was capturing children singing not for the people who were in front of them, but for the One who they adored. With each click of the shutter, I worshiped, too. I became not an intrusion into the moment but a part of the moment—worshiping as I focused and clicked. I praise God for the experience I and many others had as we worshiped with the Daraja Children’s Choir. I pray further that the experience will result in actions. I pray many will be looking for the “good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10). I encourage you to learn more about these children and about God’s work in Kenya. See this link:
If you would like to see more pictures from this worship experience go to:
Study their expressions and see hearts pouring out to the Lord Jesus.

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