Thursday, March 19, 2009

Routine got you down?

At times, probably each of us has hope our life will in some way count for something bigger than the mundane routines of our life. I think, however, it is often in the very routines that we consider mundane emerge opportunities to truly count. Unless we are sluggards, our routines are often productive and beneficial. They are often the very catalyst of growth in our life. They are often the very thing that makes us an "expert" in some way.
It is funny; although we consider our routines mundane, we often get so upset and thrown out of kilter when interruptions occur. How stupid is that? One would think we would welcome some interruptions. Interestingly, interruptions are probably the moments that offer us the greatest potential to do what we hope for—to count for something bigger. The challenge I am giving to myself and to you is to rethink interruptions. Welcome them and actively look for the opportunity to count for something potentially bigger. Let the ordinary lead you to the extraordinary. God may very well send you an interruption so you can count for something bigger. Don’t miss it!