Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This Christmas season found our family together. We celebrated Christ together and we celebrated our family. This photo was taken last night. We celebrated Michael‘s and Naomi’s second birthdays. As the wonderful evening came to a close, the realization that we will not all be together again for a year began to set in. I praise God for love that can and does span the distances that separate us. I praise Him that just as “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” nor can these things separate our family! I pray our family and yours will be a testimony to this verse from Romans. I pray our family’s love for each other and yours for your family will witness to God’s love for us. By God’s grace we WILL stand against all that this world throws at us! My Sons, by the power of God in the Holy Spirit – FIGHT—fight the good fight.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Expression of Joy

Can there be any doubt that Naomi is enjoying her Carousel ride? You know, Naomi isn’t really going anywhere—she is just going around in a circle, but she’s enjoying the journey tremendously. Where are you going? Do you have great plans that you believe will bring you great joy? How specific are they? Can you really cause them to happen? And, what if they don’t happen? Will you be crushed if they don’t come to fruition? That’s an awful big weight to carry, because no matter how hard and how well we plan, most outcomes are just not in our hands. Oh, we occasionally reach goals and make wonderful accomplishments, but we must be careful for if we really think we are in control, we are foolish. We cannot control life. We can only take the journey. The question becomes are we enjoying the journey? As a Christian, I do know my destination. It is in Heaven. However, I don’t know all the stops along the way. There have been some stops that I have planned, but there have been many that I didn’t. I have found no matter how the journey goes, there can and should be joy. For life is truly amazing. Why? Because God is at work and He does have a plan and His plan will be accomplished. So, as best I can, I’m going to journey with Him and stop where He plans. Most of His stops are quite grand. While I know I fall way short, I hope that overall, there will be no doubt that I am enjoying my Carousel ride—my life’s journey.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miracles. Are there miracles today?

Miracles. Are there miracles today? This is a picture of one. This is Haley. Haley is Brenda’s great-niece. She wasn’t supposed to live past one year. Haley turned three years old on November 28 and there was a party. Birthday parties take on new meaning when a child has Pompe Disease. Each day is a victory and each year is incredible. Haley has come a long, long way. She is able to do so much more than doctors ever expected. She is precious beyond description. She has blessed all who know her and who have watched her life. She has a remarkable mom, dad, and older sister who love her and care for her. Those who know Haley truly have richer lives. One cannot know her and not see the work of God. We praise God for her—she is a miracle. If you would like to know more about Haley, visit: http://www.helpinghaley.com/ Be sure to read her story and a little about Pompe Disease and I promise, you will be amazed and truly blessed by this remarkable little girl.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today in these morning hours, I watch the still lake and listen to the crow call. I think of my girls, my sons-in-law, and my grandchildren. I won't see any of them today, but they are in my heart. I miss them greatly. I long for the day we will all be together and that day is only a little over a week away. Today, I will see my Mom, Brenda's mom, my sister and her family, Brenda's brother and his family. It will be a wonderful day--A day of family and good food--A day of praising my Lord and Savior, Jesus. As I enjoy all of this, my heart of hearts will be longing for those listed above. Those who next to my Lord and Brenda are adore and treasured most. Happy Thanksgiving to the loves of my life. I miss you.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Daraja Children's Choir

The worship of children is a precious thing to see. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15). To receive the kingdom like a little child is to receive it in total trust without holding anything back. Last Friday evening a chlidren’s choir from Kenya performed at our church. The choir is called "The Daraja Children’s Choir." Daraja means “bridge.” The children are a bridge from their world to ours. They present to us the needs that are so great in Kenya, but they also present to us a joy that is truly amazing. These children love the Lord Jesus and they are filled with joy and hope. As they led our church in worship, you could see them worship in complete joy. As I fired shot after shot, I zoomed in close to capture their expressions. I quickly realized I was capturing much more than good pictures. I was capturing moments of worship. I was capturing children singing not for the people who were in front of them, but for the One who they adored. With each click of the shutter, I worshiped, too. I became not an intrusion into the moment but a part of the moment—worshiping as I focused and clicked. I praise God for the experience I and many others had as we worshiped with the Daraja Children’s Choir. I pray further that the experience will result in actions. I pray many will be looking for the “good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10). I encourage you to learn more about these children and about God’s work in Kenya. See this link: http://410bridge.org/daraja
If you would like to see more pictures from this worship experience go to: http://macmac.smugmug.com/gallery/6627084_CFSmg#422508944_38x3B
Study their expressions and see hearts pouring out to the Lord Jesus.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Marriage Retreat - Lake Junaluska

One of my favorite and most rewarding things to do is to teach on marriage. Eleven couples joined Brenda and me for a weekend retreat. We had fun playing games, eating meals together, and whitewater rafting. Most importantly, we talked about marriage. We identified strengths and growth areas in our marriages. The couples were lead to discuss these as a couple and they were encouraged to bring some part of their discussion back to the group to share. Marriage is a wonderful institution. It takes constant work for it to be all that it can be. Marriage was designed by God to be an awesome experience and to be a reflection of His love for us. Many marriage do not equal the task, but some do. When they do, they are glorious to witness and they are a glorious experience for the couple. What is your goal (hope) in marriage? Let it be: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." Genesis 2:24-25

Monday, September 22, 2008

Change Comes At You Fast

Change comes at you fast

Today, I will turn in my resignation at Hickory Grove Baptist Church. Over the next two weeks I will wind up a twelve year ministry there and I will prepare to begin anew in ministry at Carmel Baptist Church in Matthews.

Hickory Grove has been a marvelous place of ministry. God has allowed me to see great and mighty things—the greatest of which are changed lives. My arrival on staff at HGBC was truly miraculous and my going to Carmel is too. While I am saddened to leave HGBC, I am excited to go to Carmel and minister there as their Pastor of Education. God has allowed me to learn so much at HGBC. I began with no experience and no formal training. I leave a veteran with almost 12 years experience and a Master of Theological Studies. I remain, however, a student, both formally and informally, for there is always much to learn. I take great experience to Carmel, but I go to learn as well. Most of all, I go to see God work in the lives of people and I know He will work in mine too.

I will forever be grateful to Hickory Grove Baptist Church and I will love her people all my life. Change comes at you fast, but God is sovereign! God has a plan. Please pray for Brenda and me as we seek to do that—walk in His plan. I fully expect an Ephesians 3:20 experience at Carmel, just as I have had at HGBC.
Sunday October 5 will be our last day at The Grove. Then, a week’s vacation to rest, refresh, and renew. Monday, October 13 will be day one on a new and exciting field of service at Carmel Baptist Church.

Carmel Baptist: www.carmelbaptist.org

Contact info as of Oct. 13:
Carmel Baptist Church
1145 Pineville-Matthews Road
Matthews, NC 28105

Between now and then, you can still reach me at HGBC!

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us. Eph 3:20.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our fighting men and women are people just like you and me

Marine Captain Nathaniel C. Jaime (Nate) took a few short minutes during duty to stop by the officer’s pool to watch his daughter, Naomi ,play in the kiddy pool. You can't help but to notice the kiss. Naomi stretches up to her daddy ("NaNa") in response to his request for a "kiss-kiss." This uniformed Marine gently holds his daughters hand and he gladly accepted the little yellow duck she offered to him to hold. I watched as my son-in-law stole few short moments out of the middle of the day to be a dad. We think of Marines (Devil Dogs) as tough, well trained, hardened fighting machines and they are. But, they are so much more. They go to work and they prepare to wage war. They come home and they are just like you and me.
We are very fortunate right now. Nate is state-side. He, Alana, Naomi, and new their new little boy, Gabriel, are stationed at Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps base in the Mojave Desert of CA. Nate has been deployed to the Middle East twice in the past three years, but right now he is training other Marines do to what he does when he is at war. We are very proud of him and of our daughter Alana. Alana has a needle work picture framed that says, "A Marine Wife - The Toughest Job in the Marine Corps."
Remember our Fighting Forces and remember their families. As you watch news reports remember this picture and know each of our men and women who serve in harm’s way love deeply and are loved deeply. Yet, they go. They go for you and they go for me. They go for their/our country - the USA.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gabriel -- Holding him reminds of what's important

I held Gabriel for about 45 minutes tonight. He was awake, alert, and happy. He looked all around and made little noises.

Perspective -- what is life really about? It is about relationships. It is about giving and receiving. The greatest treasures we will ever have are not in the things of earth, but are of the people of the earth. Who we know and who knows us -- therein lies treasure.

The artist of relationships is the Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). In Him, we find the perfect relationship. He offers that relationship to us through the Son, Jesus Christ. I desire to pursue relationships. I want to know God. I want to know Brenda, my wife. I want to know my family. I want to know any who would consider a friendship a treasure. I want to know and I want to be known.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"I didn't even have to say excuse me."

Miriam and MacMac had a great time swimming together on Lake Gaston. After everyone else had left the waterside Miriam and I had time to swim with just the two of us. I told her that we were "partners," explaining that we were "working together" to swim and just enjoying being together. Her enjoyment of this alone time with MacMac, came out as she was telling her Grandma about her experience. She said , "I didn't even have to say excuse me." She had my undivided attention--she didn't have to break into a conversation with, "Excuse me MacMac." How precious! I will cherish the swim time that Miriam and I had--"partners"--just us.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

For Tips

A crowd must form as tourists in Ensenada, Mexico are drawn the too heavy musical sounds produced by four home-made drums, a home-made xylophone, and a flute. In the midst is a young woman dancing to the rhythmic sounds produce by the musicians. The teens play and dance hoping for tips. They move from street corner to street corner with their high energy show. As the Ensenada police arrive, they vanish into the crowd only to reappear on another street corner to entertain -- all for tips.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Haley is almost 2 1/2 years old.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Young Pianist

Miriam, Rebekah, & Michael having fun on the piano.